Tuesday, February 17, 2009

In a few short hours, I will be getting on a plane for Israel (well, via New Jersey). I am going to Israel for two reasons: During the first five days, I will be taking part in the Milwaukee Jewish Federation's mission. We will be touring the country, talking to experts, and spending time particularly in our "P2K" - Partnership 2000 region of the city of Tiveria (Tiberias) and the surrounding cities and settlements encircling the Kineret (the Sea of Galilee).

During the second week, I will be participating in the Central Conference of American Rabbis (CCAR) - the organization of reform rabbis - yearly meeting which this year is being held in Jerusalem. Fortuitously, the last day of the the Milwaukee mission is the first day of the CCAR conference.

In addition to "blogging" every day on the issues and emotions of the day, I also am collecting questions people in Milwaukee would like me to answer while I am in Israel. Some have asked about the election and its aftermath; others want to know how Israelis are feeling about the recent war in Gaza. Others have asked me how Israelis are viewing the Madoff scandal and other Wall Street "outrages." Others have asked me to photograph particular sites.

If you'd like to ask a question to which I'll respond in the blog, (or want to see a photograph of a particular place) please write to me here.

L'hitraot - see you soon -
Rabbi David B. Cohen

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